December 26, 2011

god jul

I've already failed at my attempt of 12 posts in 12 days, but I think we all saw that coming. I have to squeeze in a Christmas greeting before I go to bed tonight. This was my first Christmas away from home, and as different as it was, it felt like Christmas should. The joy of Christmas, of being together with family and celebrating Jesus' birth, is what's important.

This Christmas I saw things in new ways and got to be a part of a normal, yet special, Norwegian celebration. I ate risengrøt and hoped to get the almond and win the prize. I heard a spirited concert in an old church and learned some new songs. I watched and very much enjoyed a 1973 Czech cinderella movie that's been dubbed into Norwegian by a single man and become a Christmas staple. There were several familiar things too, like a delicious dinner followed by a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit. Though, I found the game to be slightly more difficult in Norwegian with a focus on Norwegian culture, history, and geography. More difficult, but fun and memorable, nonetheless. My team did not win, but we were close... sorry about that, Knut ;)

Though the people, food, music, and other traditions may change, Christmas is Christmas no matter where you are. It is still the time to remember, accept, and share God's love. He loves us so much that, rather than see us die and be separated from him, he became a man so he could save us through his own blood. That is something to celebrate no matter who or where you are. I've been reminded of that this year Christmas; it has definitely been special and I'm so glad to have experienced it. I'm sure I will always remember my first jul in Norway, and I wish you all a memorable and meaningful one, too.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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