Today my brother kindly reminded me that I've failed at my resolution to blog more (I knew I shouldn't have put that on the list). In fact, I've blogged less than ever since I wrote that resolution. It's no secret, we all know it, but someone had to give me a kick in the pants so that I would actually do something about it. As we are seeing, I'm just not a natural blogger. To be honest, I've always found the whole concept of blogs odd and I don't fully understand why people might be interested in what I have to say. And recently, I just haven't noticed a lot of things and thought, "Oh, I need to blog about THAT." Guess I've been in Norway long enough that the weirdness is wearing off and I'm actually starting to live a normal life. OK, that's only half true...
Sure there's lots of stuff going on with me but lately I don't know exactly what to say or I haven't felt like writing about it. It just feels forced, or the stuff I write gets a little too personal to post. I've been uninspired and unmotivated. Plus, I'm a perfectionist, so if I don't think I can write it really well, it's probably not going to be written at all, or it's going to take forever (even this post has taken way longer to write than it should have).
I'm in a blogging slump, and I need out. Suggestions are welcome. And thanks for checking in even though there hasn't been any incentive to do so lately. My promises about future blogging always seem to have the opposite of their intended effect, so instead I leave you with this brief glimpse into my life:
Today I paid 135 NOK or about 25 USD for eight chicken breasts. Yes, you read right, 25 bucks for eight breasts of chicken. Were they especially special chicken breasts? No. Well, maybe, if you think Norwegian chicken breasts are special, but no, not really. The kicker? They were on sale. WAY on sale. That's the best price I've seen and I double checked with a Norwegian to make sure. Normally they are twice as much and I don't buy them, but I couldn't pass on these. So it was scrimping and splurging all in one purchase. And I'm not sure how to feel about it. But I am looking forward to eating chicken.
Glad our conversation had an impact. Enjoy the chicken and write more about Norwegian pop culture and how they think about Americans .
Glad our conversation had an impact. Enjoy the chicken and write more about Norwegian pop culture and how they think about Americans .
I would love to see some photos of your favorite grocery store or stores! and also your Saturday evening worship group, maybe one of your classes and teacher, the library, the hospital, etc, even the bus your ride on! But I know you are very busy with your studies, SO no pressure, especially since I have been to beatiful Trondheim and know a little of how it looks!
xoxooxox your mother!
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